Esteemed high-end department store chain John Lewis & Partners began their association with the Concept Tag in 2017, with an initial test installation that saw 370,000 tags fitted in six of their department stores.

John Lewis & Partners previously upgraded their inventory management system in 2016-17. Utilising ultra-high frequency RFID technology, this development has improved on-shelf stock availability and provided a boost in sales.

The RFID technology has enabled John Lewis & Partners to track their inventory more precisely; this has meant that they have gathered a much more accurate picture of the effectiveness of the Concept Tag.

So far, this extended trial of the Concept Tag —for which one of the locations was their historic department store on Oxford Street — has seen an average reduction in tagged garment theft of 50 percent over a 12-month period.

john lewis clothing floor

The return on investment from the trial for John Lewis & Partners has been much quicker than expected and encouraged the company to invest further in the Concept Tag solution.

Following the early successes evident in the trial period, John Lewis & Partners has since put the Concept Tag into over a third of their stores in the United Kingdom. It is now fitted as standard in each new store the company opens.

John Lewis & Partners now has over one million Concept Tags protecting their stock across Europe.

close up of clothing with security tags attached